Here's an update on our favorite girl:
Four months old on October 5! She got her 4 month shots several days later and she took them like a champ. She cried, but not as hard or as long as last time, and she didn't sleep as long when we came home, though she did snooze it out for several hours. However, she did get a low grade fever that evening and it continued to drop and spike for over 24 hours. The highest it got was 101.3 and she was not feeling well at all. We just cuddled up and watched 'toons on the couch all day. I was happy when she awoke the next morning and it had broken. The doctor told me that she weighed fourteen pounds, nine ounces; and was twenty five inches in length. This put her in the 75th percentile for height and 90th for height. We're going to tall girl, I think. I'm going to guess around 5'6 or 5'7. Yesterday morning, on October 15, she decided it was the day to roll over from her back to her tummy! My mom saw her do it first (I was getting ready to attend a service.) She ran to get me, and sure enough, Hayden did it again! She's continued to show off for everyone now the last two days, we've all seen her do it. She is a very strong baby, as this is usually a five month old trick. She's done everything early so far, so we're on track for an early walker, Lord help us! I had a feeling this new streak of independence would be coming on, and I started breaking her of her full swaddle a couple of weeks ago. While it was a little hard going at first, she is slowly adjusting. She had been rolling up to her side in the middle of the night, and it really scared me that she would roll all the way over fully swaddled and would suffocate herself without her arms to help her. Seems like I made this decision at just the right time-- it must have been my mommy instinct. I think once she rolls over to her belly at night, she will be a tummy sleeper. I'm so scared of SIDS, though, so if she wants to sleep that way, she's going to have to get there herself. Her pedi agreed, with the sound advice, "We don't ask for trouble." Yes ma'am. Fine by me! On another developmental note, Hayden has also started taking her first sippy cup! It's a 4 month trainer. She has refused bottles for the past eight weeks like we were some kind of idiots for even thinking she would take such a thing. I don't raise no fool. However, that has made it a little stressful whenever we want or need to venture away from her for several hours. We introduced cereal a couple of weeks ago, which she loves, so that has been a big step and a little weight off our shoulders (she's not starving) but we are so happy with this new step! She's also started taking a little juice (per pedi's orders for her tummy troubles) from her sippy and is just quite the happy baby! We are very proud of our growing girl!
Four months old on October 5! She got her 4 month shots several days later and she took them like a champ. She cried, but not as hard or as long as last time, and she didn't sleep as long when we came home, though she did snooze it out for several hours. However, she did get a low grade fever that evening and it continued to drop and spike for over 24 hours. The highest it got was 101.3 and she was not feeling well at all. We just cuddled up and watched 'toons on the couch all day. I was happy when she awoke the next morning and it had broken. The doctor told me that she weighed fourteen pounds, nine ounces; and was twenty five inches in length. This put her in the 75th percentile for height and 90th for height. We're going to tall girl, I think. I'm going to guess around 5'6 or 5'7. Yesterday morning, on October 15, she decided it was the day to roll over from her back to her tummy! My mom saw her do it first (I was getting ready to attend a service.) She ran to get me, and sure enough, Hayden did it again! She's continued to show off for everyone now the last two days, we've all seen her do it. She is a very strong baby, as this is usually a five month old trick. She's done everything early so far, so we're on track for an early walker, Lord help us! I had a feeling this new streak of independence would be coming on, and I started breaking her of her full swaddle a couple of weeks ago. While it was a little hard going at first, she is slowly adjusting. She had been rolling up to her side in the middle of the night, and it really scared me that she would roll all the way over fully swaddled and would suffocate herself without her arms to help her. Seems like I made this decision at just the right time-- it must have been my mommy instinct. I think once she rolls over to her belly at night, she will be a tummy sleeper. I'm so scared of SIDS, though, so if she wants to sleep that way, she's going to have to get there herself. Her pedi agreed, with the sound advice, "We don't ask for trouble." Yes ma'am. Fine by me! On another developmental note, Hayden has also started taking her first sippy cup! It's a 4 month trainer. She has refused bottles for the past eight weeks like we were some kind of idiots for even thinking she would take such a thing. I don't raise no fool. However, that has made it a little stressful whenever we want or need to venture away from her for several hours. We introduced cereal a couple of weeks ago, which she loves, so that has been a big step and a little weight off our shoulders (she's not starving) but we are so happy with this new step! She's also started taking a little juice (per pedi's orders for her tummy troubles) from her sippy and is just quite the happy baby! We are very proud of our growing girl!
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