Leelou Blogs

Monday, May 7, 2012

Some Applause for Pregnancy (Can't Complain Too Much!)

Last week I had a few complaints about being preggers. Don't get me wrong-- this has been by far the most rewarding and exciting time of my life! I have actually loved being pregnant! It may not always be a bed of roses, but the end result is still pretty sweet. And while it's been pretty difficult the last couple of weeks, and I expect that to continue until the Best Day Ever, there are some things that I totally love about baking this baby.
First of all, the thing I know I will miss most, and it almost makes me sad to think it's almost over: watching her move. Will and I laugh a lot when she really gets going. I can imagine her dancing to "Everyone is Kung Fu Fighting" in there, because that's what it looks like sometimes. Or sometimes my belly goes lopsided, or square on one side. That has been by far my favorite part. 
Second, the food. When I'm not preggers, I try to stick to a pretty strict diet; and I think it may be a little difficult to go back to that. For five months prior to my pregnancy, I had completely cut out starches, sugars, dairy, and carbs. I was only eating greens, fruits, and proteins. I won't say that it was easy, but I got used to it and my body changed A LOT after a couple of months, for the better. If I ate anything with fats, my body wanted nothing to do with it; rejected it immediately. I know I can't do that again for a while-- breast feeding and all that, but I definitely will be having to think twice again about that piece of cake or something from Sonic.  Which brings me to my next favorite thing about being preggers--
Sonic ice. Oh my gosh. Sonic ice could create world peace if everyone knew of it's delightfulness. I graduated from buying Route 44 (with extra ice) several times a day to out-and-out buying the full ten pound bag. The ten pound bag cost about the same as just one Route 44, so eventually I had to take the cost effective way. I can make my own tea, just give me the ice! It's so soft and chewable; and if you're in public and have to have a crunch (but know that it's extremely annoying to some people, namely my mom), you can take a mouthful and let it melt down just enough to a snowcone like consistency, and you're good to go. Yum. The people at our local Sonic (who have come to know me quite well) tell me this is actually quite a common phenomenon, pregnant women and their Sonic ice. I bet they'll make a killing in the next nine months with the recent popularity of "Shades of Grey." Haha. 
The nursery. Sometimes I just go in there and sit in the rocking chair for an hour, looking at everything, trying to imagine what it's going to be like. It's so peaceful. Will and I had a lot of fun turning our study into Hayden's nursery, and I think it's a room that she will enjoy playing in when she gets a little older. Being in there makes becoming a mom that much more of a reality.
Speaking of, another favorite thing has been watching Will get so excited. He has waited as long as I have for this baby. He loves putting together all of her things; swings, bouncers, pack and play, stroller, entertainer. He talks to her all the time and reads her books. I love that he has a pregnancy app on his phone so he knows what's going on with my body and how he can help me. Though he travels often for work, he is putting his family first and not traveling at all this month so he can be home to help me and ensure that he's here when it's "time." And though he initially was not that excited for the Lamaze class, he did it anyway, with gusto, and actually ended up enjoying it. His camo diaper bag was one of his birthday presents, and I think it was his favorite out of them all. He's really proud of that daddy diaper bag. I know how lucky I am to have someone with me who is so supportive and is as excited as being a new parent as I am. I love him very much.
And, though there are many more things that I have loved about being with child, I have really enjoyed how it's brought my family-- my whole family-- together. It's been a while since we had something big to celebrate. Though my wedding was only two years ago, nothing brings a family together like a baby. It is so wonderful that my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins are so thrilled and excited, and they have all gone out of their way to be so kind and thoughtful; always thinking of us, calling to check on us, etc. Sometimes life can take you away from what's most important, and Hayden has reminded us all that being together is what matters. I love my family. 
Later today we'll be going to see Miss Hayden on her 3D ultrasound, and I can hardly contain my excitement to see what she looks like. Will is coming home from early to be with me as we get our first glimpse at our little girl's face. Two o' clock can't get here fast enough. I'll be blogging a picture this afternoon or tomorrow; so hold tight until then. :) Thanks for checking in with us, friends. 
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