Leelou Blogs

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

Two years ago this day, I met my love at the end of the aisle to become his wife. I will never forget how when I woke up that morning, my heart was pounding in my chest, and it didn't stop all day long. Just imagining what the day held was enough to send my blood pressure through the roof. I met my best friend Jennie at the hair dresser and then we were off to the hotel to meet the other six bridesmaids: Racquel, Megan, Sasha, Angela, Hope, and Wendy. A limo escorted us to the church where it was time for the final preparations to begin. I couldn't believe I was finally getting married! I had waited what seemed a lifetime for the perfect person for me; someone who would love me my whole life and always be there for me. And here I was. I remember standing in front of the doors of the church with my dad, knowing three hundred people were waiting for me on the other side, and after walking forty steps (I had counted beforehand) I would make it to the alter where that person was going to be waiting for me. My friend Amber had told me to be sure that I stayed present in every moment, and I tried to do that the entire day so that I would never forget a single detail. I had the wedding that I had always dreamed of at St. Paul's Methodist Church with the reception at the Crystal Ballroom at the Rice, both famous landmarks of Houston. St. Paul's is an actual historical landmark of the city, and the Rice Hotel has housed many celebrities and Presidents in its day; from Theodore Roosevelt to Shirley Temple to Mick Jagger. President John F. Kennedy gave his final speech from the balcony of the Crystal Ballroom the day before he died. It was so beautiful. My mom and dad gave me a day that I had dreamed of my entire life, and I did not want for anything that day. It was perfect. Even more perfect was the man God had chosen for me to spend my life with. It makes me giggle thinking back to the night we met that we would be here, four years later, married with our sweet little baby. We are so blessed! I love you, Willie!

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