Well, it's finally happened. Children's television has taken over our living room at every hour of the day. I'm not sure if I even know what adult programming is anymore.
I even know the songs. I sing them to Hayden when we change diapers, when we get out of the bathtub, when she cries. I've been told this is a Mommyhood Badge of Honor. That you have to learn the songs. I even have my own personal favorite part of each show. This morning my mom was talking to me in the living room and had to call me out of my trance, because I was watching the show with my own child-like intensity. What is happening?
Disney Junior. That is what's happening.
I know Nick Junior is the "in" thing right now, and we watch it sometimes. But we are really into Disney Junior. Maybe because I grew up on the Disney Channel, or because I'm a closet Disney nut, but whatever it is, we love it.
Let me give you a little inside.
First and foremost, Hayden and I both are crazy about Small Potatoes. It's not even a long show; it's just a three minute commercial filler. But we both get really excited. She starts kicking her little legs and screeching at the tv when they come on (or... when we're repeatedly watching them on YouTube because we didn't get our daily fill. No kidding.) Those stinkin' small potatoes with their little accents and catchy songs. They're cute little analogies and explanations for everything. I love those small potatoes (whose names are Olaf, Chip, Nate, and Ruby. Ruby being the personal favorite. I'd like to think she's a lot like me, that little small potato.) Here's a Small Potatoes for you. I'll let them introduce themselves.

An early morning favorite: Charlie & Lola. Charlie & Lola were the first sign of the beginning of the end for me. When I realized that Hayden was enjoying television (I noticed her watching what I was watching.... then the Baby Einstein DVDs confirmed it. Yep, she likes tv) and I turned to Disney Junior, Charlie & Lola was the first early morning show for us. Again, with their little British accents. I'm such a sucker. Plus, they are siblings who take such care of each other. Charlie starts off each show with, "I have a little sister, Lola. She's small; and very funny." Charlie always teaches Lola something or steers her in the right direction. It's really so sweet. I thought the show was so wonderful in that it reinforces how we should treat our brothers and sisters. I can just hear myself saying, "Hayden... you shouldn't say those things. Does that sound like something Lola would say to Charlie?" Yep. I'm a goner.
Another early morning favorite is Chuggington, whose theme song runs a tight race with Little Einsteins. ("CHUUUG-ington! Chugga chugga chugga chugga CHUGGINGTON!") Chuggington is a town for talking trains with jobs to do! It mostly revolves around the "train"ees, little trains who are learning how to be big chuggers! They are Wilson, Brewster, and Koko. Wilson is a multi-function engine that is always learning that he needs to follow directions. Brewster is a very strong diesel electric train, but always overly cautious. Koko and Wilson make fun of him a lot, but I think he's a leader! And Koko is a feminine passenger engine that is very competitive-- she's very fast, and always trying to make Brewster feel inferior, which I don't think is very nice. She always learns her lesson and apologizes though. Each train on the show is a different model of train. Old Puffer Pete is a turn of the century steam locomotive. Zephie is a trolley.
Next up: "Gaspard and Lisa! Gaspard and Lisa!" Gaspard and Lisa are best friends who live in Paris, France. They are six year old puppies and sit next to each other in school. Gaspard wears a blue scarf, and Lisa wears red. They always try to do good deeds, but sometimes their antics get them in trouble. When they have a problem: "Catastrophe!" and when they solve it, "Triumph!" I like that they always lean on each other and use teamwork to solve their problems.
And last but not least, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. You can't watch Disney Channel without a little Mickey. It would be a crime. He is accompanied, of course, by Donald, Daisy, Minnie, Pluto, Goofy, and occasionally Clara Belle. This isn't a Mickey cartoon (necessarily) like I used to watch. It's 3D animation. Much different if you grew up on regular cartoons like me. Along with his usual Mickey-isms, there is the Hot Dog song that ends every show. Hayden goes crazy for the Hot Dog song. "Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog, it's a brand new day, whatcha waitin' for? Get up, stretch out, feet on the flooooooor..... hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog!") Goofy has the best dance of all, and if I have the chance, I do the Goofy dance right along with him. Hayden kicks her little feet when the Hot Dog song comes on. We heart you, Mickey!
A few others that we are becoming acquainted with are Choo Choo Soul (still trying to figure out that conductor, but her engineer is pretty handsome. Another three minute show a la Small Potatoes), Timmy Time (which has no words, but I really like that lamb), Imagination Movers (four dudes that sing and dance ridiculously to entertain toddlers.... awesome), and Jungle Junction (because I'm curious and intrigued by a jungle ran by jungle animals on wheels.)
So, there you have it. The Lukers and Disney Junior, together forever. At least for the next several years. I'll never let her watch that horribly plum dinosaur Barney (I'll gouge my ears with an ice pick if I ever hear that blasted I Love You song come out of her mouth) or Sponge Bob Square Pants, that despicable and repulsive sea creature with his geometrical leggings and filthy attitude. Nope. We are on the Disney Junior train! So I'll leave you with a little gift: one of my favorite Small Potatoes. Go on, watch it. It'll only take a minute.
I even know the songs. I sing them to Hayden when we change diapers, when we get out of the bathtub, when she cries. I've been told this is a Mommyhood Badge of Honor. That you have to learn the songs. I even have my own personal favorite part of each show. This morning my mom was talking to me in the living room and had to call me out of my trance, because I was watching the show with my own child-like intensity. What is happening?
Disney Junior. That is what's happening.
I know Nick Junior is the "in" thing right now, and we watch it sometimes. But we are really into Disney Junior. Maybe because I grew up on the Disney Channel, or because I'm a closet Disney nut, but whatever it is, we love it.
Let me give you a little inside.
First and foremost, Hayden and I both are crazy about Small Potatoes. It's not even a long show; it's just a three minute commercial filler. But we both get really excited. She starts kicking her little legs and screeching at the tv when they come on (or... when we're repeatedly watching them on YouTube because we didn't get our daily fill. No kidding.) Those stinkin' small potatoes with their little accents and catchy songs. They're cute little analogies and explanations for everything. I love those small potatoes (whose names are Olaf, Chip, Nate, and Ruby. Ruby being the personal favorite. I'd like to think she's a lot like me, that little small potato.) Here's a Small Potatoes for you. I'll let them introduce themselves.
Another show we enjoy, as well as Daddy, is Octonauts. The Octonauts are eight adorable little
creatures that cruise the sea in their Octopod ("Explore! Rescue!
Protect!") There's Captain Barnacles, the brave leader of the Octopod,
Kwazii Kitten, who is the daredevil pirate ("Shiver me whiskers!"),
Tweak bunny (the Octopod's engineer) who talks with an accent reminiscent of
somewhere deep in Mississippi, Professor Inking (I had no idea octopus had
ears...), just to name a few, but my favorite is Tunip the Vegimal just because
he is so darn cute. His little language with the other vegimals is endearing.
My (ahem... our) favorite part is
at the end of each episode. There is a song sung about whichever sea creature
is the highlight of each show called "Creature Report." It is very
educational and catchy. ("Creature report! Creature report!" stomp
stomp!) They sign off with, "We're done with the mission...... Octonauts
at ease! Until the next adventure!" Sigh. I know. I'm losing it, aren't I?
We are just all lovey about Little Einsteins. Baby Einstein is already huge in our home. DVDs, lullaby CDs, toys, books, entertainer, the works. So we were thrilled to discover Little Einsteins. I actually look for it to come on because it's my favorite theme song of all the shows ("We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship! Going through the SKY! Little Einsteins!") Of course all four of the characters are ethnically diverse. They focus each show around a different composer, which is in keeping with the classical music of Baby Einstein. The show is based around both art and music (Red Rocket doesn't move fast.... he moves prestissimo!) It really encourages cultural arts, which I love. I think cultural arts is hugely important in a child's life (in all of our lives, really.) It is definitely something I will strive to integrate into Hayden's life, so I'm happy about having a cartoon to back me up!

An early morning favorite: Charlie & Lola. Charlie & Lola were the first sign of the beginning of the end for me. When I realized that Hayden was enjoying television (I noticed her watching what I was watching.... then the Baby Einstein DVDs confirmed it. Yep, she likes tv) and I turned to Disney Junior, Charlie & Lola was the first early morning show for us. Again, with their little British accents. I'm such a sucker. Plus, they are siblings who take such care of each other. Charlie starts off each show with, "I have a little sister, Lola. She's small; and very funny." Charlie always teaches Lola something or steers her in the right direction. It's really so sweet. I thought the show was so wonderful in that it reinforces how we should treat our brothers and sisters. I can just hear myself saying, "Hayden... you shouldn't say those things. Does that sound like something Lola would say to Charlie?" Yep. I'm a goner.

Next up: "Gaspard and Lisa! Gaspard and Lisa!" Gaspard and Lisa are best friends who live in Paris, France. They are six year old puppies and sit next to each other in school. Gaspard wears a blue scarf, and Lisa wears red. They always try to do good deeds, but sometimes their antics get them in trouble. When they have a problem: "Catastrophe!" and when they solve it, "Triumph!" I like that they always lean on each other and use teamwork to solve their problems.

A few others that we are becoming acquainted with are Choo Choo Soul (still trying to figure out that conductor, but her engineer is pretty handsome. Another three minute show a la Small Potatoes), Timmy Time (which has no words, but I really like that lamb), Imagination Movers (four dudes that sing and dance ridiculously to entertain toddlers.... awesome), and Jungle Junction (because I'm curious and intrigued by a jungle ran by jungle animals on wheels.)
So, there you have it. The Lukers and Disney Junior, together forever. At least for the next several years. I'll never let her watch that horribly plum dinosaur Barney (I'll gouge my ears with an ice pick if I ever hear that blasted I Love You song come out of her mouth) or Sponge Bob Square Pants, that despicable and repulsive sea creature with his geometrical leggings and filthy attitude. Nope. We are on the Disney Junior train! So I'll leave you with a little gift: one of my favorite Small Potatoes. Go on, watch it. It'll only take a minute.
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