Leelou Blogs

Sunday, March 4, 2012

We're Painting the Roses Red.... Or The Walls Pink!

Speaking of painting the roses red, I am on a mission now to buy Baby Girl all the Disney movies on DVD. As you are well aware, they aren't the cheapest things out there. It's really irritating because I have them all on VHS, which is, of course, obsolete. So we are now buying them all in Blu-Ray. For the love of God, I hope they don't update DVD technology anytime soon! Ah, well, onto the purpose of this blog today....
The nursery walls are painted! I can hardly believe it! It's becoming more real by the day. Will took just a couple of hours to knock it out, and he did a fantastic job! He taped all the edges so nicely, too; I was really impressed. That is super important when you are painting for someone who is as OCD as I am. (I'm not really OCD, but I may as well be; my perfectionist side can get a little out of control sometimes, I'll admit.) But it is really lovely! The pink isn't too light or dark or bright, it is JUST RIGHT! I am so pleased with it, I now want to paint every room in my house. Hmm. We'll see. I wish I would've painted years ago; it makes such a difference. Anyway, the room is perfect and is ready for new carpet and then the furniture. The countdown is on in a major way, but we are right on top of it! Everything's going according to schedule so far. Here's a few pics of Will on his first Daddy duty task:

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