Leelou Blogs

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Death by Cuteness

Little girl clothes are going to be the death of me. And my mother. They are going to send us to the po' house. We just started "picking up a few things" a few weeks ago, and though we haven't gotten completely out of hand.... let's just say that we're headed that way. Swiftly. There are just SO MANY cute things out there!!! You walk by and say, "Oh this is cute," "oh, this is cute," "oh, this is cute," "oh Mom, look at this one!" "Awwww, look at this!"; and before you know it, you're saying, "Oh, she HAS to have this one," ".... and this one," ".... and THIS one." I am just now reaching the halfway point of my pregnancy; we still have 4 1/2 months to go. WHAT are we going to do? Self-control is completely out of the question. This baby is like my own personal living, breathing American Girl. I want my baby to be the Suri Cruise of Clear Lake. And clothes that tiny are just adorable.... then there's the hats. And the socks. And the shoes. She already has several holiday themed outfits, and I had to stop myself today from buying her a shirt with a four leaf clover that said "Daddy's Little Shamrock." But she IS Daddy's little shamrock! Luckily my mom snapped me out of my trance. Her new mantra is "We have to stop doing this," but the more she says it, it seems like the less it works. We act like no one's giving the baby ANYTHING; which couldn't be further from the truth. My mom suggested today that if we keep this up, the baby will have to have a costume change every fifteen minutes just to wear all the clothes she's going to end up with. The baby registry checklist suggested that I register for twenty-five hangers. I registered for fifty. This baby has too many grandmas, aunts, and "aunts" that love her. And a mommy that loves her so much; she wants her to be the cutest baby in town.
Now, I do have a few things where I draw the line:
  • My baby will NOT wear animal print. Of ANY kind. Leopard and zebra print have their place, and it's not on my baby. To prove this point, one of the Teen Moms on TV ONLY has her baby in animal print, and it matches most of the mom's wardrobe. A nineteen year old and a one year old should not have anything in common when it comes to clothing.
  • My baby will NOT wear a flower on a headband that is bigger than her head. A flower of some kind, sure. It's not the flower. It's the SIZE of the flower. And they look ridiculous.
  • I will NOT have a hoochie baby. Today at Babies R Us, I actually saw a one-shouldered dress. For a baby. Not appropriate.
I also have a few Must-Haves:
  • Ruffle-butt bloomers
  • Patent leather Mary Janes
  • Feltman Brothers dresses ( least a few. Not all of them.)
I have a feeling that dressing my kid is going to be my downfall. I don't even go clothes shopping for myself. But my daughter is a whole 'nother matter. I thought I would share with you a few of my favorites so far:

From her Nini (my mom):

Surfer Girl!
 Such a cute quilted dress! Love the colors:
 Matching bloomers and bonnet:
 From her Aunt Sandi:
Little Miss Princess!
 From her Aunt Allie:
Christmas time!
From Mommy:

 Hoot Hoot!

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