Leelou Blogs

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Dreaming Dreams of Familiar Faces and Faraway Places

Since I've been pregnant, I have the most strange and vivid dreams. There isn't anything that's off limits; anything can happen. (I guess that's usually how dreams work, right?) Thankfully, they've all been good dreams; I haven't had any bad dreams or nightmares. A lot of my dreams have the baby in them. I usually find myself fighting waking up because I want to stay in the dream with the baby. The first few months when I was adamant that this baby was a boy, I was always dreaming it was a girl. I secretly thought it was a sign of things to come, and that the baby truly was a girl and I was kidding myself about the boy business. How right I was. I wholeheartedly believe that our dreams can be a connection to God, or to the Other Side. God gave us the ability to dream for a reason. I believe our dreams can be a connection to loved ones who've passed on, as a way for them to communicate with us. I don't think ALL our dreams are for that purpose, but it's a capability that dreams have. Since I've been sick this past week and taking a night time cold medicine, I've been sleeping a little later than usual, and it seems as if I dream all night long; the same dream. Research says that dreams typically last only seconds, and my dreams do change through the night. However this week there have been a lot of scenarios but with the same recurring characters and with the same ongoing theme. I dream that I have the baby; the baby is mine, but I've left her in the company of people I love and I'm always going to see her, or visit her, or get her from them. In my dream I feel she is very safe and cared for, I'm never worried. I just know they are taking care of her and it's time for me to go get her now. The funny thing is, the company of loved ones that I have left her with, have all passed on. She's with loved ones that I believe are in Heaven, and they are taking care of her until I come to get her. They are very much alive in my dreams; just as real as you and me. Night after night this week, it's been the same dream, the same people, in different scenes. Though I wake up with these loved ones on my mind, I'm never sad. The memories of them make me smile and I'm happy to have seen them in my dreams that night. The dreams seem so pure and good and happy; that they are happy, and happy to be taking care of my baby. I can't be sad after feeling that way all night long. And I dream that we are in the most beautiful places. One place I remember being last night was in a lush, green, leafy forest, like a rainforest, with a canopy of huge leaves, and we were in this beautiful building that I thought was a hotel. I remember thinking I was in Australia (though Australia is a desert without a rainforest...) The building was very tall and many people lived there. The canopy of leaves covered this building just over the outside of the balcony and we could see the sun shining just beyond. A man who seemed very wise was holding my baby and told me, "No matter how warm it gets or how much the sun shines, there is always just enough shade." We were sitting on a balcony that seemed to be around twenty or thirty stories in the air. There were plates of the freshest, juiciest fruit for us to eat. I was very comfortable there. My brother was also there, and he said, "Watch this, Ashley," and he leapt over the balcony. I was afraid at first and peered over, and he was laughing as he landed on these soft pillows far below at the bottom. The man was laughing and telling me not to worry, and a woman there told me that there was always someone there to catch you. I knew neither of these people. From there, the baby was gone and back again with my loved ones, and again, it was time for me to go find her. That was only one scenario from what has seemed to be entire nights filled with similar stories, all week long. Though I didn't know these particular people, I am going to choose to keep the ones more personal to me just for me. I feel that they are very special and some of them only I can understand. And I could never put into words the feelings that were in these dreams; my words would fall short of doing them justice. I just know with all my heart that my baby is a gift from God, and that she has been loved, cared for, and happy in the time before she was ever placed in my arms. I know that the people I love and miss everyday are glowing with happiness and radiating a purity that I never imagined, and that they already know and love my baby; and after she is here with me, they will continue to love her and watch over her. They made sure she was safe before her arrival, and will ensure her safety throughout her life. I felt very content and at peace this morning when I finally decided it was time to wake up. I'll hold these dreams dear to me and will always remember them.
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1 comment:

  1. Found you from "People I want to Punch." Good luck with your pregnancy, there is something very special about being a new parent!
