Leelou Blogs

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Yep-- It's Definitely a Girl!

Dr. Rowe made it 100% official this morning-- it's definitely a girl! Of course it was what we had assumed all along, but now there's no denying it. Will was so thrilled to see his baby girl this morning and said he was already a goner. I'm sure he will be wrapped around her little finger the moment she arrives. Now, the shopping has officially been cleared for take off! Watch out, Babies R Us! In our excitement this morning we rushed over to start our registry. Will and I had anticipated going over there on Sunday, but after we left the doctor, he asked,"Want to just go do it now?" Ummmm... YEAH! I don't think he anticipated the time that goes into something like that because he kept wandering off and getting antsy; and he didn't understand why I was inspecting every little thing. Of course I was registering for things for 6+ months, and he thought I was crazy. I had to explain some things. We weren't even half way through when he started getting "woozy." He needed to eat; he was light headed. Aren't I the one who's pregnant? I think he was a little overwhelmed. So after Will was through giggling over the nipple cream and asking what breast pads were for, we got down to business. Luckily we had been there before and I did have some idea about the things I wanted; then there are a few things I need to ask Jennie about. She's my sidekick mama. (That's what best friends are for!) The most important part of the day, however, was the doctor. Dr. Rowe was just thrilled with the resulting numbers in my blood test, which he called "excellent." I'm really glad I had the blood test done to test for the many abnormalties, including certain special needs and heart disorders; but I would find myself randomly fretting about the possibilities the last couple weeks. Will and I had already decided that whatever challenges the Lord presented to us that we would face together head-on, but of course you hope and pray for the very best; and thank you, Jesus! We were presented with the very best! The chances for down syndrome were 1 in 8,000; spina bifida was 1 in 6,000; and trisomy-18 was 1 in 10,000; and Dr. Rowe says these are excellent numbers and that we both get an A+ for our passing genes. We are so happy and thankful to our Heavenly Father that our little girl is healthy and has all ten fingers and toes (we counted them today). Baby Girl was being a little stubborn this morning, even though I gave her some donut holes to get her moving around before the sonogram. The sugar didn't kick in for her until we'd been there about 30 minutes. She was very complacent and didn't want to move around too much; she may have been sleeping. The technician commented that may mean she'll be a calm baby. Fine by me! She is weighing in at 8 ounces (half a pound). Her head is on my right side up near my ribcage and her body is angled downward toward my left hip. She was upside down and we really needed her to turn right side up! Finally she started to get to moving a little bit and we could see her tongue moving as she was sucking her thumb. Then she decided to put her tush and feet up in our face. She kept playing with her feet, and Dr.  Rowe commented, "She sure loves those toes!" Then she clasped her hands under her chin and looked so sweet; then back to sitting Indian style sucking her thumb again. It took the whole time to get her in a position to see her girlie parts. The technician and doctor agreed that she is just a modest baby; and we were not unhappy to hear that! She had those knees glued together until the very end. It was so exciting and touching to see her and I'm sad that I won't see her again for several months until the end of my pregnancy. Even though she is with me, I miss her already. Does that make sense? I'll be happy just to finally hold her in my arms. Until then, it's full court press to get everything prepared just right. My friends and sister-in-law Meagan reassure me it will be here before we know it. I hope they're right!♥

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