Leelou Blogs

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Birthday Wishes & Dreams Come True

Today I turned 33. I had absolutely one of the best birthdays I can remember today. It was so wonderful, and what made it so wonderful was my family and friends. I woke up quite early, a little after 5:30 am, and not wanting to wake Will, I enjoyed laying in my comfy bed, snuggling with Sasha, and pondering birthdays past and reveling in the moments of quiet stillness leading me into my special day. My birthday is my favorite day of the year (followed by Christmas at a very close second.... December is the time to be, in my book.) I thought about how this would be my last birthday without hearing little feet padding into the bedroom. Somewhere around 7:30, I stared at Will until he woke up. He was a good sport about me waking him up so early on a day he could sleep in; and he got up without complaint so we could begin my day. We ate some breakfast and were lazy until mid-morning, and then I got to open my presents (yippee!). He always writes the most thoughtful and loving things in all his cards, and that is always my favorite part. One of my gifts was 2 tickets to go see Theater Under the Stars "Annie" at the Hobby Center in Houston! I love love love Annie; it was the first movie I ever saw in the movie theater in 1982 and it has really stuck with me ever since. I'm so fortunate that he is willing to do things I love with me.... musical theater isn't his favorite thing in the world, but he does it with a smile. Next was the gift that he has been bursting at the seams about for weeks. He's been dying for me to open it.I opened it very slowly and relished every tear. I thought he might spontaneously combust! When it was finally revealed, at first all I saw was the word "Rebel." What in the world? So I just tore the paper off at that point and to my ecstatic mind-blowing surprise, it was a CANON REBEL T2I DSLR camera!!!!!!! I Could. Not. Believe. It. !!!!!!!!! I have been wanting one sooooo badly for about the last 2 or 3 years-- I love taking pictures, I scrapbook..... and most importantly, I have a little baby on the way that I want to take gorgeous pictures of. But they are so expensive, and I just didn't have a reason (until recently) to spend that kind of money on a camera. Honestly-- I thought it was an alarm clock! Haha! And I was totally cool with that-- I had mentioned I wanted an alarm clock with an iPod port for Christmas, and it looked like it was about the same size box. So you can imagine my surprise to find something so absolutely NOT an alarm clock. It was fantastic!  Afterwards, we headed to my parents' house for more celebrating. My mom cooked the meal of my choice (her awesome pot roast, mashed potatoes, french cut green beans, corn, rolls) and she baked my request of yellow cupcakes with chocolate icing. Extra large ones, too! I had a second round of gift opening, and I was in store for a few more surprises! They bought me a camera bag and memory card for my new camera (I love when Will and my parents collaborate), a cute frame for Baby's ultrasound picture, and I was pleasantly surprised at a new Jim Shore Christmas decoration-- so funny because when my mom and I were shopping a few days ago, I looked at some Jim Shore longingly and wished out loud how I wish I had some pieces. She had already bought my present and was laughing inside about it! But the best gift of all-- and another mind blowing surprise-- was my black Yves St. Laurent purse! Again-- I. Could. Not. Believe. It!!!!!!  I saw that black and red box and started hyperventilating!!!!! Since the Great Depression of the 2000s, my flippant purchasing of designer labels has slowly but surely dwindled down to non-existent. Besides my Tiffany's perfume that I refuse to give up, the last designer anything that I have bought/received was Michael Kors in 2008. So I was nearly in need of the smelling salts when I opened this wonderful present. I know how blessed I am to have people who love and care for me so much. My brother came in from the duck lease and joined us and he bought me a beautiful frame with a cross on it with a matching easel. We settled in and watched the Texans game (we lost, unfortunately. Good run, though, Texans; I'm still proud) and just enjoyed each others company. At halftime, everyone sang happy birthday to me as I blew out my candle. Later, I did my first "shoot" of my mom's Christmas decorations to practice with my camera, and she went around with me making suggestions and helping me take some quality shots. That was a lot of fun. Later, I took a nap (typical pregnant lady), and after I rested and we visited some more, it was time to head home. I had a blast playing with the new pictures on my computer, and I will be sure to post some shots tomorrow. I can't forget another one of the things I love most-- Facebook birthday posts. :) That always gets me really excited to see all the people come out of the woodwork to wish you a special day. Will is always in amazement at the number of wishes I get, and that makes me laugh, too. So I got a real kick out of all my friends today and I appreciate them so much. I feel so loved and cared for and I am so grateful for all the wonderful people in my life. I thank our Heavenly Father for all the blessings He has given me in my very fortunate life. Without Him, not one of my blessings or even this day would ever be possible. I'm very excited to be celebrating His birthday next week; another celebration with family and friends. Let the festivities begin!
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