Leelou Blogs

Friday, December 16, 2011

MudPie Madness!

My mom and I have both done very well in holding off buying any clothes for the baby until we find out the sex 100% on January 4. This has been very difficult, considering the extremely CUTE CUTE CUTE things we've seen out there, but we finally cracked when we hit up Norma's this week. Norma's Country Dreams in Deer Park is one of our favorite interior decor stores in our area. In the back, there is a good sized section dedicated to babies. I about fell out when I saw that my favorite baby brand, MudPie, was 50% off Christmas clothing. I discovered MudPie when my best friend Jennie was pregnant with her little girl, Laken. I fell in love with their designs and just knew my little girl would wear MudPie one day, too. Well. Needless to say, we dove in until we had baby clothes to our knees and came out pretty nicely, considering MudPie isn't the cheapest (but compared to Mommy Chic and Me that we visited yesterday, it is quite affordable.) Our baby girl already has her first visit with Santa outfit AND part of her Christmas outfit-- for next year! I need a red tutu and a shirt to complete the Christmas outfit, but it is well on it's way. Plus, there is plenty of time, of course! Haha! Here are a few pictures of some things we picked up:

And here is Will with his favorite piece of the day (really!):

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