But the ones I find most annoying thus far are these....
First, the given. The excessive use of the restroom; which is ridiculous. I've never had to pee every 5 minutes (and I mean that literally) in my life. I won't go into detail on this one because who wants to read about that? But it is highly annoying, especially throughout the night. I'm sure the matter is not helped by the next annoying side affect: excessive thirst, again especially throughout the night!!!! It. Is. Bonkers how thirsty I get; an unquenchable thirst at that! Remember the jug of apple juice? Oh yeah. All night long, baby. My mouth becomes equivalent to the Sahara. I contribute this to a couple of theories. One, I am already what I call a "thirsty person." I almost always need some form of liquid in my possession. Two, this matter is exacerbated by my near obsession with Sonic drinks. Something about that styrofoam cup and their ice, which is perfection, make a drink taste better. They have all the Zero drinks, Diet Dr. Pepper, and make fabulous unsweetened tea, in which sometimes I choose to add 3 Sweet N Lows to the large or Route 44 (but I don't always- depends on my mood.) I have literally had to force myself to drive by Sonic and stare straight ahead on numerous occassions- the fact that they have "happy hour" making large drinks only $1.07 until 8 am and then again between 2-4 pm can make this quite difficult at times (Sonic is a HUGE favorite among teachers and several other teachers I know have a Sonic addiction as well. That large can last me until noon or sometimes longer, making the tea awesome because it doesn't get iced down, it only gets better. :) I myself find it quite sad and hilarious that I pass two Sonics on my way to work and would try to alternate which one I stop at for drinks so the one girl working every morning (Taylor) at my favorite Sonic did not think I was crazy. Like, she knows it's me when I order in the morning. "Good morning and welcome to Sonic, this is Taylor; may I take your order?" "Yes, can I get a large unsweetened tea with 3 Sweet-N-Lows, please?" She thinks, oh, gray Lexus girl again. Is this the day for my weekly tip? (How do you tip for a drink that is $1.07? 100%? I don't think so. A quarter? Stupid. She gets a tip on Friday for all week long. I think we have an unspoken understanding.) Anywho, that unnerved me for whatever reason. I don't want to be the Sonic Psycho. Now that I've set you up, I will get to my point, because I sense I'm getting off on a tangent (I know my mom is smiling here, because tangents are something I do really well, especially with stories ("wrap it up, Ashley".... I just want everyone to have all the details) and Rummikub. At least once a game I have to adopt an unwanted tile because I've dissected and carelessly thrown back the tiles in a desperate attempt to win. ..... See, tangent again.) Back to the story. Annoying pregnancy habits, namely excessive thirst, and Sonic. There IS a point, I promise you. So, once again, my nightly curses rear their ugly head. I have already drained several water bottles next to my bed and having exhausted all options that I prepared, I make the trek downstairs to the kitchen. Due to this annoying habit and the fact that I haven't gone to the grocery store in, oh, a day, there is nothing thirst quenching in our refrigerator. Usually I have a 2 gallon pitcher of some kind of Crystal Light in there (one of the best things EVER invented in my book-- 5 calories? I'll take it! We have a winner, Bob!), chilled water bottles always, and lately some kind of juice. I drained the apple juice yesterday like I'd been through a drought (now I know how my lawn felt this summer), the water bottles that I previously destroyed upstairs were the last that were cold (and I'm not opposed to room temperature water, but come on, chilled is always better), and there was no Crystal Light made. It's 3:08 am and I'm not making any. All that was in there was orange juice, which is not in any way hydrating. At all. I took a swig to make sure, and yep, definitely not hydrating. I was about to settle for a room temperature bottle of water when.... (palms to the sky singing in a church choir vibrato) ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! What do I spy behind the jar of salsa was.... a red straw. A red straw that was attached to a large styrofoam cup that held yesterday's Sonic tea with 3 Sweet-N-Lows. And that Sonic tea still had half a cup of perfected ice intact. It was like a Glorious Appearing. Thank you, Lord! This was the answer to this pregnant lady's prayers! It was delightful. I now know what Will Ferrell meant when he said, "It just tastes so good, once it hits the lips." However, that all has led me to my third annoying pregnancy habit, insomnia. Though I can not contribute it solely to pregnancy because it does plague me on occassion, the constant getting in and out of bed does not help matters. Which is why I'm blogging at 5:20 in the morning. But, alas, I will do my mother a favor and wrap it up here. Enjoy your thirstless sleep.
PS At least I'm not eating soap or dirt..... what's up with that? Now THAT is psycho. So get over it, Sonic girl.
If it weren't for Sonic I might have starved to death with Hayden. Chili cheese tater tots were the ONLY thing I managed to keep down for the first 6 months. Gotta love Sonic.