My very favorite blog in the entire world is
Post Secret. I have been following Post Secret for more than five years now. Post Secret was a community art project started by a man named Frank Warren is 2004 in his hometown of Germantown, Maryland. He went around his community leaving blank postcards with his address on them, asking strangers to mail him back the postcards after they had decorated them as simple or as elaborate as they liked, but there was two stipulations: each postcard had to share a secret that they had never told anyone, and it had to be anonymous. Since 2004, Frank Warren has received over half a million postcards worldwide, has published five
books, has been featured in numerous museum exhibits (one of my favorites involved a
wedding proposal), and has been a keynote speaker at university campuses nationwide. Each Sunday at midnight, he posts the Sunday Secrets at Some of the secrets are funny, some are disturbing, some are confusing, touching, serious, regretful, happy, sad, excited, shocking. I've seen secrets of my own that I share with some stranger out in the world. Post Secret makes me realize that we are not alone at all.... that we are all human, that we all have the same feelings, make the same mistakes, experience the same things. In a world today where we should feel so connected through technology, sometimes I think it drives us further apart. It's nice to find something that we can share in our human-ness. The relief that some must feel after finally purging something they've been holding onto for years, that they've never been able to tell anyone.... secrets can be suffocating. I heard once that secrets are like walls... they can protect you or isolate you. Secrets can make or break things. Frank usually shares a story, e-mail, or some other sort of communication he's had with a sender or reader throughout the blog (like the weddding proposal... if you scroll the end of the link, you'll see the story.) Post Secret has literally saved people's lives, brought people back together who have lost numerous years, saved marriages and relationships, helped people realize things through a stranger's words, see the world through someone else's eyes.... it's amazing. I own all five books (
Post Secret,
Secret Lives of Men & Women,
My Secret: A Post Secret Book,
A Lifetime of Secrets, and
Post Secret: Confessions on Life, Death, and God) and read the Sunday Secrets without fail. He recently started an iPhone/iPad app as well. If you are looking for something interesting, you're bored, or just plain nosy, I highly encourage all of you to go take a look. You'll be as hooked as I am. Have I sent in a secret? It wouldn't be fun if I told you. Will you send one?
Here are some that I like:
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